Pioneering innovative supply chain management

Bringing efficiency to the supply chain management to the next level.

Single course to resolve communication

Our dedicated point of contact model is your road to excellence

We replicate a focused logistics structure within our team and customers. Our resources are engaged in a singular contact format to benefit you. So now, you can eliminate any risks of wrong interpretation of tasks.

Remove all uncertainty and grow your operations with our team backing you up. This will drive co-ordination and save time.

Single course to resolve communication

End-to-end service, simplified!

Our supply Chain management provides you with a complex ecosystem that is created to ensure that your supply chain functions exactly as you want it to.

iconLocal Solution, Global Partner
  • Our local and international expertise helps you enhance your supply chain.
  • Easily navigate the complexity of business and supply networks.
icon Supply Chain connector
  • We manage each stage of your logistics process on your behalf.
icon Enhanced continuity
  • Guaranteeing continuous transit of your shipment despite unforeseen circumstances.
icon Visible and actionable insights
  • Transparent flexibility to move quickly or slowly depending on the situation.
icon Your trusted partner
  • We encourage relationships by forming internal solutions and strategic collaborations.
cross border truck
Your highway to…

Cross border shipping

With more than 20 years of experience shipping freight to USA, Canada and Mexico, you can rely on Charger Global’s strong alliance network in North America.

For added support, we even offer bilingual customer service and sales staff for agile cross border mobility.

We are here to move

Adapting Supply Chain Solutions

Logistics is not always a straight road ahead. When there are obstacles, distribution slows down.

Charger Global team ensures the flexibility and tactical responsiveness to maximising your assets delivery. We never stop moving.

Making logistics simple and easy

From enterprise to small business

Discover how we leap your business with our Charger Advantage. We delivery value, capacity and service that that excelled Fortune 500 companies to our local North American clients.

Charger Advantage