Privacy Policy

At Charger Global Logistics, we place the utmost importance on protecting your privacy in the digital realm. We understand that our website collects certain information from its visitors, and we want to be transparent about how we handle this data. That's why we've created this comprehensive privacy policy.

Guiding Principles

We value the privacy of every individual who interacts with us online, whether through our website, email communications, or any services we provide. We've developed our online privacy approach based on the following key principles:

  • Anti-Spam Commitment: We have a strict policy against unsolicited communications. If you subscribe to our digital services or features, you can trust that you'll only receive messages you've explicitly signed up for.
  • Purposeful Data Collection: Our primary goal in gathering information online is to enhance your experience on our platforms. We strive to collect only relevant data, avoiding excessive or unnecessary information gathering.
  • Robust Security Measures: We implement strong physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect any information you entrust to us. Your data is stored in secure, restricted-access databases on protected servers.
  • Confidentiality Assurance: We respect your privacy and will not distribute your information to any third parties without your explicit permission, except when necessary to provide a service you've requested.
  • Transparent Consent Process: When you sign up for any of our services, we'll clearly inform you if we need to share your information with any third parties to fulfill your request. You'll always have the opportunity to consent to such sharing before it occurs.
  • Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and update our privacy practices to ensure we're using the most current and effective methods to protect your information.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to create a trustworthy online environment where you can feel confident in your interactions with Charger Global Logistics.

Non-Personally Identifiable Data

During your visits to our website, we may collect certain non-personal information about your browsing session. This data includes details such as:

  • The browser type and version you're using
  • Your internet service provider
  • Your device's IP address
  • The search engine (if any) that directed you to our site

We utilize this information for several purposes:

  • To assist in troubleshooting any technical issues with our server
  • To improve the management of our website
  • To compile general statistical data about our site usage

Furthermore, we track navigational patterns across our web pages. This helps us identify which areas of our site attract the most traffic, allowing us to refine our content to better suit our visitors' interests and needs.

It's important to note that we collect and analyze this data in aggregate form. This means that the information is not linked to any specific individual unless we have obtained explicit consent from that person.

By gathering and studying this data, we aim to continuously enhance your experience on our website, ensuring that we provide relevant and easily accessible information to all our visitors.

Information Voluntarily Provided

When you engage with interactive features on our website, such as signing up for email notifications, requesting information, or using other services, you may provide us with personal details like your name and email address. We want to assure you that we treat this information with the utmost care:

  • Data Security: All personal information you submit is stored securely on our protected web servers and internal systems.
  • Information Usage: We may use your provided details to:
    • Fulfill your specific requests about our company, products, or services
    • Send you relevant updates or special notifications
  • Send you relevant updates or special notifications
  • User Control: We respect your privacy choices. You have the option to stop receiving communications from us at any time through our straightforward opt-out process (details on how to opt-out are provided below).
  • Limited Use: Rest assured, we only use your information for the purposes mentioned above and to improve our service to you.

We are committed to protecting your privacy while providing you with a personalized and informative experience on our website.

Information Collected from Other Sources

In our ongoing effort to serve you better, we may obtain additional information about you from external sources in the future. We will ensure that any such data is:

  • Collected legally and ethically by the providing parties
  • Handled with the same level of care and privacy protection as the information you directly provide to us

This approach allows us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your needs and preferences, enabling us to enhance your experience with our services.

Disclosure of Personal Information

At Charger Global Logistics, we place a high value on safeguarding your personal information. We carefully gather and store customer data, which is utilized exclusively by our company and its affiliated branches. Our commitment to your privacy means that we refrain from selling, leasing, or exchanging your information with outside entities. In the rare instances where data sharing might be necessary, we always seek your explicit permission first. Rest assured, your personal details are treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality throughout our operations.

Business Partners

From time to time, our corporation forms strategic alliances with select businesses to broaden the services we offer our website visitors. These partnerships may involve the shared use of specific interactive tools on our site, such as email notification systems. When you engage with these features, please be aware that any information you provide might be visible to both our Charger Global Logistics and our business partners. We carefully select our collaborators and ensure that all data sharing practices adhere to our strict privacy guidelines, always prioritizing the protection of your personal information.


In our efforts to provide efficient and diverse services, we occasionally engage trusted third-party companies or individuals for specific tasks. These may include managing email communications or overseeing special promotional campaigns. We strictly limit their access to only the essential personal information required for their assigned duties. These partners are bound by confidentiality agreements, ensuring they neither use nor retain your data for any purpose beyond their specific role. We maintain a firm anti-spam policy, guaranteeing that you'll never receive unexpected or unauthorized emails from these collaborators acting on our behalf.

Business Transfers

In the event of a partial business sale or asset transfer, customer data may be included in the transferred assets. Similarly, if our company is acquired in its entirety, consumer information could be part of that acquisition. We ensure that any such transfer of data complies with applicable privacy laws and maintains the confidentiality standards we've established.

Compliance with Law/Safety

We may disclose personal information if legally required or to protect our users, websites, or the public. In all other cases, we'll notify you before sharing your identifiable information with third parties and give you the choice to opt-out. Our commitment is to maintain transparency and respect your privacy preferences throughout our operations.

Use of Cookies

Our website employs cookies, which are small data files stored on your device to enhance your browsing experience. These tools help us remember your login details and preferences, sparing you from repetitive data entry during site visits. Additionally, cookies enable us to tailor content to your interests based on your previous interactions with our pages. While you can manage cookie settings through your browser's help menu, including options to block or limit their use, please note that some website features may not function optimally without cookies. We've designed our site to leverage cookies for improved user experience, balancing functionality with privacy considerations. Adjusting your browser to restrict cookies might require more frequent login credential entries and could impact certain site features.

External Links

While our website provides links to external sites, we don't oversee their privacy practices or content. For your protection, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any linked websites you visit. Our commitment to safeguarding your information extends only to our own site, and we can't guarantee the same standards on external platforms. Exercise caution and informed decision-making when navigating beyond our domain to ensure your personal data remains secure.


To maintain the security of your personal information stored on our website, we've implemented a password-protected access system. Your unique password is the key to safeguarding your data. We strongly advise against sharing this password with anyone else. Keeping your login credentials confidential is crucial in preventing unauthorized access to your personal information. Remember, protecting your password is an essential step in maintaining the privacy and integrity of your account with us.

Public Forums

Our website may offer interactive features like chat rooms, forums, and message boards. While these platforms enhance user engagement, it's important to remember that information shared in these public spaces might be visible to other users. We encourage you to be mindful of the personal details you choose to disclose in these areas. Exercise discretion when posting, as the public nature of these forums means we cannot guarantee the privacy of information you share there. Your cautious approach to sharing personal data in these spaces helps maintain your overall online privacy and security.

Opt-out Procedures

We respect your communication preferences and offer flexible opt-out options. When we request personal information on our website, you'll find clear choices to decline future communications. Additionally, we provide alternative opt-out methods, which are easily accessible. You have full control over the messages you receive from us, and can adjust your preferences at any time. We're committed to sending you only the information you want, ensuring a personalized and non-intrusive experience with our corporation.

Handling Concerns

For any inquiries about our privacy practices or this policy, we welcome your questions. Our team is ready to address your concerns and provide clarity on how we handle your information. Feel free to reach out to us through our email id -